Friday, August 1, 2008

Welcome to Wal-Mart

Yesterday Wal-Mart shoppers we're treated to new greeters. It's actually people you and I have been asking for for a long time. Known as "Imegra" to my latin friends, but you and I know them as INS. That's right! Imigration officers were at the local Wal-Mart (kinda like hunting a baited field) asking to see proof of residency and green cards. Without it, "Get on the bus" was heard. I found this out from one of my legal workers at the restaurant. "All the Mexicans are scared", she told me. As they should be.

But I'm not so sure they just shipping them off back to Mexico is the best solution. It costs a lot of money these days to travel anywhere. And I'm sure we the tax payer are funding their free ride home. I asked my worker won't they just come right back. "Noooo", she says, "you have to wait 10 years before you can come back, or the next time you get caught you go to jail". But to rebut that I know personally a few guys who have been sent back more than once and are back. Why don't we just start signing them up to pay taxes. Then start with an automatic penalty to be assessed. This penalty should be high enough to help deter people from coming. We don't want them to be like, "well if we do get caught it's only X number of dollars". And I also believe that the dollar amount should increase as age increases thusly stating that the older you are the more cognizant you are of your choice to break our laws. And children are NOT exempt. This will also deter families from coming. Most of these people already have good steady jobs and are only here to make a better life for themselves and their families. I don't fully believe we should take that dream away. Our forefathers had the same dream and we're here. The only people who have total right to be here are Native Indians and their descendants (Your's truly). But we do need to punish the act of breaking the laws.

Also I'm tired of everything being translated into Spanish. If you are part of a company that does that with your products you have lost the right to bitch about illegals being here b/c you are just catering to their lack of respect to learn the language and giving them more reason to stay.


Anonymous said...

Good for Wal-Mart.

I guess I would rather them use my tax money to ship them back to mexico than to use that money and pay them welfare or other free money from the govt. The govt really needs to enforce a rule or law that allows companys to ONLY employ legal citizens. Surely we can control that. If a business is found employing illegals, stiff penaltys should be paid, if not shut them down. The only reason they cross the border is to get work. If we can stop businesses from hiring them, then they would have no reason to come here anyway. I say we start auditing businesses left and right. It wouldnt take much to figure out if there were illegals working somewhere. I think some states are already doing this and I think Mississippi is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Sam, we already have those types of laws and look where it is getting us. Do you know how much it would cost to audit ALL of the employers in the U.S.? I'm with Jed. When you catch them, force them to become a U.S. citizen and start paying taxes immediately. Also, they should be required to pay a penalty for all back taxes owed. Then, the employer should pay a penalty as well.

That way, we won't have to worry about them coming back and instead start pumping money into the system like everybody else does.

Anonymous said...

The major reason they cross the border, and the root of the entire problem, is that Mexico is led by corrupt politicians and officials and is poverty stricken. You know how when the cotton mill goes out of business, many of the workers stay in their homes, go one welfare, and become complacent to the fact that there is no longer any work in their region? Well, instead of giving them a lifetime's amount of money to stay, shouldn't we give them a month's worth of money to move? We need to be doing this at home, and in poverty stricken Central American countries. They don't need our missionaries (they're majority Catholic) - they need our aid.

Spain faced a similar economic problem after their Civil War and during their Franco years. Spanish citizens were flooding Europe's low-wage jobs. Europe reacted by pumping money into Spain's economy and helping them get their government back in shape. And, surprise, Spanish people are staying in Spain. No one wants to leave their country and their family to work some crappy low-wage job in a place where they have no rights or protection. Do you think these people just have a high sense of adventure? Have you ever met, discussed, or talked with an "illegal alien"? Have you ever visited where they're from? I have, and after that experience, I completely understand why they want better lives. Where I went there were barely streets, absolutely no plumbing, or any other public service we Americans take for granted every day. And I also understand why they can't get it from their own corrupt, US supported government. If Mexico's economy improves, then they might start charging those American business owners more money for those beach access hotels and all the other "benefits" America is reaping from their country.

When the majority of America's oil comes from Mexico (YES, THAT IS TRUE), why should the Mexican people be so poor? NATO? Don't know.

Also, not all illegal immigrants are Mexicans. Many are from other South American nations as well who are suffering from the exact same conditions. Countries rich with natural resources and corrupt governments which America exploits instead of aids. Isn't it funny that many of these countries political leaders were actually educated in the US? Funny or scary. What, exactly, did they learn here?