Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I don't know what to call it

In a recent poll this question was asked:

"Do you think the Supreme Court should use the Constitution as the basis for their judgments"?

Here's how America responded.

60% of Americans agree that the Highest court in the land SHOULD use the Constitution as the basis for their judgments

To break that number down even further.

Of people who are John McCain supporters 82% agree with the above statement.

Of people who are Barak Obama supporters 29% agree.

From this exercise what can we infer about Obama's supporters????


Anonymous said...

They are ignorant idiots?

Jeni said...

Or perhaps people that may think parts of the constitution are outdated and that it was written by people who no longer are representative of our culture as a mass? said...

If it was about my house, and I made the house rules when I was younger, even when I was ninty or so, I would still expexct my house rules to be respected.

Anonymous said...

Maybe educated people understand that the Constitution isn't perfect and was written by man? Oh, wait, maybe that's the Bible I'm thinking about . . . boink.