Thursday, September 4, 2008


It's probably one of my biggest pet peeves. When you are driving on the highway, in the fast lane, and you inevitably come upon someone who feels that how fast they are going is the fastest anyone should go on the highway. (even if they are doing 5 under the speed limit). Everyone of us learned before receiving the PRIVILEGE, not right, of driving that slower traffic yields right of way to faster traffic by moving to the right. Why is it that people don't remember this except when you are in their way?!?!? It's times like these I wish you could nudge someone and it wouldn't go against your insurance or get you in trouble with the cops.

Now sometimes I understand that sometimes the driver in front of you doesn't see you right away. So I gently ride close enough to let them know that I'm ready and willing to go faster as soon as they get out of the way. It irks me to no end when they then look in their rear view only to make gestures that I should stop riding so close. To which, I make gestures of get out of my way and I will ;-) But I have no patience for those who won't preemptively move at night. There is no reason that they can't see me coming. My headlights have been in you rear view for sometime and only getting closer. So OBVIOUSLY I'm going faster than you and you should just MOVE! My wife says I should use this to learn patience. But I say they should obey the law.

To those of you who do understand the laws and yield the right of way to others who are going faster than you, Thank You. Because I see it this way. I like to go about 5 - 10 over on the interstate, as do most. And if there is someone out there willing to go faster and find all the cops for me so I don't have to deal with them, Thank You. Why can't the rest of the world see it MY WAY.

2 comments: said...

Who can find a wife of valor, her worth is far above rubies..her husband safely trusts her: he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil...all..the days of her life....Pro.31:10-12

Melanie Busbee said...

I understand your annoyance and aggravation. Who knows what the person in front of you is dealing with in their own personal world. It may be nothing; they quite simply may not be paying attention. But please, respect your own life and the life of others on the road, and don't follow too closely. It takes a lot longer to break for sudden stops on the interstate going higher speeds than it does on the normal road. That, my darling, I learned in driver's ed before I earned the privilege of driving.