Sunday, July 20, 2008


No, I'm not talking about the board game. Why is it that we shy so quickly away from talking about the things that we should be talking about as a nation. Of course, I'm talking about politics. Why can't we talk about it. Why has it become such a foux pas (I'm not French so that's probably misspelled).

We sit content to let MSNBC, CNN, FOXNews, and others do the talking for us. We take small soundbites and use them as our total opinion. This I must say is something I'm very guilty of. But we only let a little bit seep at a time as to not offend anyone. Just about the only time you hear political disscussion going on is from people on the same side of the argument. What good is that doing?? We need open and honest discussion. Especially from people of oposite veiw points. How else can one form an educated opinion with out all sides?? Sure the large news networks cover a vast majority of the issues, but they don't and can't cover it from where you and I live. Or, how we feel it will affect us. Those networks aren't going to cover the mayoral election for every town in America.

We as a country need to stop being scared of this topic. And embrace each other especially for the differences we share. We need to stop looking through the glasses of Republican/Democrat, and look at it as our America. We need to discuss who is running and on what platforms. Why those platforms are right or wrong for our city, state, and nation. And if they are wrong what can be done to fix it. Maybe it's just been looked at too long from the same angle. We need to get away from the mentality of you are on the other side of the isle, therefore anything you think, say, or do cannot be of/add any value to my life and opinion. Moreover, we need to see that each side wants to see our nation come to be the best it can be. We need open discussion to get there. And we can't wait for Washington to do it.

In this an election year we need open discussion more than ever. Especially this election. There are so many subjects that need to be touched by everday America. As an undecided voter I yearn for these discussions. I'm looking to be swayed. But everytime I approach the subject I am cast out (by people's eyes) and scorned. "No political talk we don't want to ruin the evening". Ruin the evening?!?!? How can my thirst for knowledge and my opinion on what is great for this country, which includes you and yours, ruin an evening. (As an aside, I do know that I'm very opinionated about certain things but I've never ruined someone's evening).


Anonymous said...

I really think you should run for President. I would vote for you over the two clowns that we have to choose from now.

Sounds like you are really torn as to who you want to vote for. But let me ask you this....Are you REALLY prepared to vote for someone named Barack Hussein Obama for the next AMERICAN President?

Anonymous said...

And by the way....there is no better time to talk politics than when you have already had a few beers and you are feeling good. That never ruins my evening.

Just the other night I had an excellent conversation with a buddy of mine about the universe and God and life on other planets. We were drunk of course, but it was a great discussion.

Jeni said...

I, for one, enjoy discussing politics with you BECAUSE of your differing opinion. Sure our deliveries can be hindered and misunderstood by our own enthusiasm, but you've never ruined my night. And I do agree that alcohol always helps loosen people's minds and lips, which can very much be a good thing.

I don't know that anyone I know is passionate about who they are going to end up voting for because there isn't one candidate that just sweeps anyone away.

I am not undecided. Despite liking John McCain, hell the man is from Arizona so he can't be all bad (kidding), I cannot vote for him. He is by far my favorite republican. Like you said, the party lines are there and we should be able to see through them and hell I think I could if it weren't for some key issues. For me it's going back to those particular key issues that made my decision.

Not voting for someone because of their name is just ignorant but hell that does represent a good percentage of voters.

Anonymous said...

Its not the name I was actually getting at. Its the fact that he has a muslim background, and the fact that he is a liberal, and the fact that his Iraq plan is bullshit, and the fact that his abortion issues make no sense, and the fact that he will raise taxes, oh, and the fact that he is a democrat. :) He is a contradictory mother f'er if you ask me.

Dont get me wrong, McCain is not much better. I like what McCain has to say about abortion. Leave it to the States, that makes sense. I also like that he supports the conservation and preservation of the national and state parks. The fact that he is a true, redblooded american that has served his country and has been in politics longer than most of the voters have even been alive. Thats about it, I dont really want to vote for either of them.

Dont get me started on illegal aliens and border control.

Wheres Ralph Nader when you need him.

Jed Busbee for President!!!

Jeni said...

Ah muslim. I suppose politics do always go hand in hand with religion don't they? I do appreciate the clarification and elaboration. I personally feel all organized religion is equally fucked up so it really has no bearing on my decision (not that you asked)

Obama's withdrawal plan for Iraq does concern me. I don't know what the right answer is there. We can't stay forever and keep them dependent on us. However, we can just withdraw and leave them in chaos after removing their government either. I think part of the problem is how the rest of the globe feels about our country and what we're doing over there. There's a lot of mending to be done and I do think a big change from how things have been run will do us a lot of good.

I do have a tremendous amount of respect for John McCain and anyone else that has served for our country. I also like him because he was the only republican that actually acknowledged that global warming exists LOL.

Anonymous said...

Lets look back on all the things muslims have done to and/or for this country and its people.

1968 - killed Bobby Kennedy
1979 - US embassy taken over by muslims.
1983 - US marine barracks in Beirut was destroyed by muslims.
1993 - World Trade Center bombed by guess who.
1998 - US embassy in Kenya bombed.
2001 - 2,974, the number of deaths that muslims rejoiced over after seeing our own planes crash into the world trade center, the pentagon, and somewhere in PA.

I feel the same way about religion as you do, really I do. But are Americans seriously considering putting a muslim in the most powerful position possible? With the history muslims have with us, the last thing we need to do is elect one President. This could be all part of their next attack against us? Maybe its not, maybe Obama is a sincere, honest person that really wants to make a difference in this country, but I personally am not willing to take that chance. Imagine what could happen if his intentions are evil.

It scares me.

Jeni said...

I absolutely understand your reservations. Hell I'm sure Jed and my husband agree with you. And perhaps I'm naive in this but I'm not willing to condemn people based on their possible faith and what some have done in the name of it.

And was he ever even a muslim? Hell I don't know, but he's not now (article here). I for one was christened catholic when I was an infant. I am not a practicing catholic (nor have I ever been) and if someone were to even suggest that I shouldn't be left alone with a child because I'm catholic (and we all know about the catholic priests) well I would just think that was plain ridiculous.

I know it's not quite the same, but I'm just trying to give you some of the opposing perspective here.

And you're right if he intended to run this country into the ground in the name of a jihad or whatever, well that is damn scary.

Sounds a lot to me like what a lot of the huge, politician-stuffing-pocket corporations have done for this company and our economy but yeah let's not get into that one on this post hahaha.

Makes me even think of casting my vote for Nader.

Anonymous said...

I am anxious to hear what Jed has to say in response to all of this.


Jeni said...

I second that. C'mon Jed!

Anonymous said...

I guess not even Jed reads theonenoonereads.

Jeni said...

LOL haha

Anonymous said...

I just found this...

Watch the whole thing.