Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thanks Ted

I just wanted to send my personal thanks to Senator Ted Stevens. For those who don't know, Ole Ted is an 84 yr old life long Senator from Alaska. He's a Republican. And now he has recently been indicted for concealing gifts and services of up to $250,ooo. Of course, he denies these allegations. But he is the prime example of the reason people are blindly following a promise of change. This indictment has actually been in the pipeline for years. And there is no doubt in my mind that the timing isn't just happenstance. It's a heafty blow to the republicans. Another reason to swoon voters to the other side. Granted I'm not saying what he did was right nor am I defending Ted. But thanks for helping your party to keep it's pristine image, Atta Boy!!

Our government is in DIRE need of change. I am a fervent believer in term limits. And I think that if we held people to shorter terms they would have less time to build these "you scratch my back; I'll scratch yours" relationships. Term limits would also halt a lot of lobbyists. "How?", you ask. Because they would have to start from scratch with people every few years. These lobbyist would have to build new TRUST with the incoming. And it would be a lot easier to track these "gifts" they give. It's really hard to go to a job that only pays so much, do it for a short term and come out a wealthy man/woman. I feel that this small step would help immeasurably in cleaning up Washington.

Also I have found a new blog site.
Check it out. You can link it from my links in the right hand column.


Anonymous said...

I agree completely with the termlimits idea.

Anonymous said...


Jeni said...

I agree too Jed. Great idea.

Anonymous said...

Now this is where I have to disagree with you Jed. I am trying to get into politics and need money. What you propose would force me to actually care about my constituents and not be able to focus on becoming a rich man.

It's people like you that screw up everything that I have worked so hard to embezzle. What a jerk.

Anonymous said...

The only person who is even going to THINK about these types of changes, much less be capable of implementing them, would be OBAMA. And anyone who is more afraid of change than more of the same is extremely narrow-minded. Overall, I'd rather be a tad bit liberal than a lot fascist.